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quatre choses que les bons designers font


il est souvent difficile d'expliquer tous les aspects de notre travail. les gens ont parfois une méconnaissance de ce que cette profession demande.
dans cet article de warren berger sur le site de l'aiga, un excellent article «Four Things I’ve Learned About Designers».
à lire absolument si vous êtes designer ou si vous travaillez avec des designers.

berger explique clairement les quatre facettes d'un designer. j'en ai tiré quelques phrases, question de vous donner une idée.

1. designer question
«Or, to put it in the pithy words of George Lois, “You gotta have guts to be the person in the room who’s asking ‘why’ while everybody else is nodding their heads.”»

2. designers connect
«The beauty of this, from the standpoint of anyone who happens to be involved in creative endeavors of any kind, is that it shows you don’t always have to invent entirely from scratch.»

3. designers commit
«Ask a designer about a notion he/she has and immediately that designer starts sketching it out for you on any scrap of paper that’s handy. At that point the idea exists, even if only on a napkin.»

4. designers care
«Once, when Michael Graves was in the midst of a medical crisis, he reportedly said from his hospital gurney, “I don’t want to die here—it’s too ugly!”»

mais l'article est beaucoup plus intéressant que ces quatre petites phrases. bonne lecture.
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